Friday, 8 February 2013

Schedule and Updates

I know I said a week, and it's been more like a month. For that I am sorry. I got busy with school starting again, and my results came out and I just got swamped. That and I got a little bit lazy. It won't happen again. I promise.

This is because I have decided that instead of doing daily posts, I will update twice a week. One will be a review, and the other will be a story that I will write, on here, with your input. At the end of each weeks chapter, I will leave a decision. It will be up to you to decide which option I will take, by popular vote.

The story will be up on a Saturday (+12GMT) and the review will be up on a Wednesday (+12GMT).
I am still endeavouring to do books that people want reviews on, and am thinking about putting pictures to the story, (probably using minecraft), let me know what you think.

I can't apologise enough for my absence, and this lightened schedule ensures I will keep up to date.

Until next time,
Atra du evarinya ono varda,
(May the stars watch over you)

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